I rejoiced with those who said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the Lord.”
Psalm 122:1
504 Dugger St.
Edna, TX 77957
Service Times
Worship (English) • 8 AM & 10:30 AM
Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Worship (Español): 12:00 PM
Our Pastor
Pastor Andy Schroer
Pastor Andy Schroer has been a Lutheran pastor since 1999. Originally from Michigan, he has served congregations in Mexico and Miami. He has been the pastor at Redeemer since 2003.
Pastor Schroer is also a contributing editor for the national Christian magazine Forward in Christ. His first book 364 Days of Thanksgiving was published in 2015. Pastor Schroer also writes a syndicated devotional column in five newspapers throughout Texas, including The Jackson County Herald-Tribune and The Victoria Advocate. You can find his writing at www.364DaysofThanksgiving.com.
Pastor Schroer and his wife Clariza live in Edna with their two children, Isabel and Andy.